Sunday, June 11, 2017

Barbie Strapless Layered Dress (Free Crochet Pattern)


Row 9: Ch 1, sc in the first 6 sc, (inc in the subsequent sc, sc within the subsequent 6 sc) 4 times, turn. (26)

Row 2: Ch 1, sc inside each sc across, turn. (42)

Starting in the waist up:


Row 14: Repeat Row 2. (38)

Row 16: Ch 1, sc inside the 1st 14 sc, sk one sc, dc inside the subsequent eight dc, sk one dc, dec inside the subsequent 2 sc, sk one dc, dc inside the subsequent 8 dc, sk 1 sc, sc inside the final 14 sc, turn.

Row 8: Repeat Row 2.

Rows 4 - 6: Repeat Row 2. (42)

Row 15: Ch 1, sc within the initial 15 sc, *sk 1 sc, three dc in the next 3 sc, sk one sc,* sc in the subsequent 2 sc, repeat *, sc within the final 15 sc, turn.. (38)

Row 7: Ch 1, sc inside the first 5 sc, inc within the next sc, sc in the subsequent 5 sc, inc in the subsequent sc, sc in the next 6 sc, (inc in the elegant dresses for wedding guests next sc, sc inside the next 5 sc) 2 times, turn. (30)

Row 1: Ch 27, sc inside the 2nd ch from the hook and in each ch across, turn. (34)

Row 17: Ch 1, sc inside the initial 13 sc, sk one sc, sc in the next 7 dc, sk one dc, sc inside the subsequent sc, sk 1 dc, sc within the next 7 dc, sk 1 sc, sc in the final 13 sc.

Row 13: Ch 1, sc in the 1st 7 sc, inc inside the next sc, sc in the next 7 sc, inc in the next sc, sc in the next six sc, (inc within the subsequent sc, sc inside the subsequent 7 sc) 2 times, turn. (30)

Row 3: Ch 1, sc inside the initial 5 sc, (inc inside the next sc, sc inside the next 4 sc) 3 times, inc within the subsequent sc, sc in the last 5 sc, turn. (34)

Fasten off.

Rows 10 - 12: Repeat Row 2

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