Monday, March 13, 2017

Criss Angel hospitalized following stunt gone wrong, did same act next day

Bizarre...20 min into Criss Angel's performance they did a force cancellation due to some malfunction?! Hope everything is okay #CrissAngel.

-- Criss Angel (@CrissAngel) March 12, 2017


-- Ryan Perez (@RyanPerez___) March 11, 2017

Criss' people also said that he would undergo additional tests on Saturday and, apparently, he got the a-okay to return to stage. That evening, in front of a sold out crowd, he not only completed his show, but also successfully did the exact same trick without incident. Criss was treated and discharged from the ER after a few hours. I do admire his drive, but at 49 (full confession: I had no idea he was older than me), how much longer do you think he'll be able to do these stunts? And, if nothing else, I get to post a picture of Criss with Carrot Top. The 49-year-old performer passed out while suspended upside down during an escape stunt and was rushed from the Luxor to Sin City's Spring Valley Hospital. Good Morning America aired footage of the performance on its Sunday morning episode. Criss Angel lost consciousness in mid-air.

3rd Annual Tyler Robinson Gala

Criss Angel MINDFREAK LIVE! - World Premiere

3rd Annual Tyler Robinson GalaCriss Angel MINDFREAK LIVE! - World PremiereCriss Angel Help Gold Carpet

Las Vegas-based magician Criss Angel, whose mama knows him as Christopher Nicholas Sarantakos, had to abruptly end his show Mindfreak Live! on Friday night after losing consciousness during a straitjacket escape trick. Feel better, Criss.

Criss' people released the following statement regarding the incident via his Twitter which said, in part:

Cele|bitchy | Criss Angel hospitalized following stunt gone wrong, did same act next day

Embed from Getty Images

I'm not a fan of Criss, he always seemed like the living embodiment of an Affliction t-shirt, but I'm glad he ConvertPix PRO didn't pass away. He is grateful for the outpouring of love and concern from his fans around the world.

But, it seems more were concerned about getting a refund for their tickets. Besides, he does seem to be a charitable guy, so there's that. So, there you go. He is undergoing additional testing today and while it is not yet certain, it is his hope to return to the stage in his hit show MINDFREAK(R) LIVE! at Luxor Las Vegas tonight. Some audience members expressed shock and concern on social media over the failed stunt. He was lowered to the stage and rushed to the hospital where he was evaluated and released early this morning. Me, I'm more of a Cirque du Soleil kind of gal. "During Friday evening's performance, while attempting his famed upside down straitjacket escape while suspended by his feet, he lost consciousness.

Update: They are giving full refunds.

Embed from Getty Images

-- Ariel Jordan (@airjordan7) March 11, 2017

Photos: Getty Images,, Fame Flynet

[From Criss Angel's Twitter]


Criss Angel routinely performs some of the world's most dangerous illusions and escapes live on stage," Ang el's rep said

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